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The SHOUT YOUR CAUSE Mission Statement
Our mission is to inspire, influence, and heal the world one person at a time with meaningful analysis, creative writing, and compelling interviews.
Our collaborative creators have messages to share that someone somewhere in the world needs to take to heart, to the boardroom, or to their community.
Let us help you be part of the solution.

"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude."
Maya Angelou
1928 - 2014
and Turn Your ADVOCACY into ACTION with..
..a system designed to help you develop your transformational program, sell it before you finish creating it, and scale it using social media as your story-telling platform.
The Happy Purpose ProgramMEET SALLY HENDRICK
Editor of Shout Your Cause
Author of Know Me. Like Me. Trust Me. The Ultimate Guide to Building Influence on Social Media and Humble Pie (currently in progress)
Sally grew up between a rock and a hard place while keeping up appearances living in a big house in a small, southern town.
Her father was an insurance agent, while her mother taught disadvantaged kids. From the outside, everything looked picture-perfect...until it shattered.
After witnessing years of psychological and financial abuse, she was determined to break the generational cycle...and to escape the racism deeply ingrained in her family history.
Today she is a writer of words unspoken, sheds light on ugly truth, takes the road less traveled, and is a rebel with a cause.
She's currently undertaking a historical fiction novel based on her life and the lives of the women who came before her.
It's a doozy, y'all!
Get a chapter and get on the waitlist for Humble PieWAKE UP & LISTEN
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