College Professors Not Willing to Return to the Classroom

Season #1 Episode #19

This interview took place on June 25, 2020.

Lindsay and I first met online before we met in person in New York City and then again in San Diego. Breaking out of the world of academia into entrepreneurship as an online course creator and mentor, she has plenty to say about how things are changing for college professors in the time of COVID.

Dr. Lindsay Padilla is the ex-professor-turned-entrepreneur behind On Course Social, the dynamic prompt calendar tool, and Build a Better Beta, an online program that helps experts and educators alike launch their first courses quickly and easily. She is also the CEO and co-founder of Hello Audio, which takes your content and creates private audio feeds to make consumption easier for your people!

All of her frameworks were born out of her tenure-track years teaching adults online at a community college, the ridiculous amount of learning she’s done in all things education, and the years spent growing her course creation business online.

With this unique background, she is also the rambunctious host of the Wealthy Teachers Podcast, which covers the business of teaching online.